
Kenji Nishikawa      

The most peaceful times of my childhood in Japan were spent sketching with watercolors. From my brush came scenes of the busy cargo harbor of Tokyo, the ancient city in Kyoto, and the quiet fishing villages of Japan.

I graduated with a degree in electrical engineering and remained in electronics engineering and/or corporate management throughout my career. I traveled extensively in Europe, Asia and USA on business. During these trips I was drawn to the beautiful landscapes, powerful cityscapes, and the ordinary people living in those cities and villages. These visual experiences have been my motivation to paint.

I am a self taught watercolorists and paint my watercolors intuitively and with much emotion. I am particularly fascinated with the interplay of light and shadow and how it animates the daily activities of ordinary people. My vivid memories preserved in sketches and photos now serve as my resource material and inspiration for painting the everyday subject of light, shadow and people.

I am a signature member of:

Watercolor  USA  Honor  Society
Texas  Watercolor  Society
Southwestern  Watercolor  Society
Society  of  Watercolor  Artist

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